Wolfe family

Christmas Day

Do you have a traditional Christmas Day menu for your family? We are just developing ours; we switch off years celebrating with my family in Florida and David’s family here in California. Obviously we have the added factors of I think we have settled on some winners!

First, the breakfast: David had Paleo Sausage Balls with flax eggs. The leftovers were an enormous hit with our guests who had no diet restrictions, and David immediately requested them for a weekday breakfast mealprep. Hope, Abigail and I ate Garlic Cheddar Biscuits (half the batch with sausage crumbles) in all their dairy and gluten glory. Abigail asked for biscuits for breakfast for days afterward!

We munched on breakfast leftovers and a few hors d’oeuvres (like my favorite goat cheese ball) through midday.

For dinner, for many years my family has had this menu for Christmas Day when we’re all gathered. It’s a great option because it feels very special-occasion while being very low-effort with almost no dishes to wash. Steak, loaded baked potatoes, seasonal green salad, and popovers. It’s very dietary-needs-friendly except that I don’t think there’s a way to make popovers without eggs!

And then because we had so many cookies baked as well as fudge, homemade toffee, and various chocolates to share, I skipped a big centerpiece dessert and just laid all the options out on the kitchen bar for everyone to graze over all afternoon and evening.

I hope that in this crazy year you and yours were able to celebrate the birth of our Savior in a joyful, peaceful way. This year and every year we have good tidings of great joy for all people!

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