
“[F]easting done right is a sound rebuke to gluttony and decadence, and a needed counterpart to fasting. By putting us in the posture of communion with God—by casting us in the roles He created us to play—the feeding of our bodies can form our souls.

Lindsey Brigham Knott, Formed By the Feast

In embodying the spirit and goal of this blog I don’t have better words than this piece on believers being formed by the feast. I highly recommend a read.

Hello! I’m Sarah Wolfe. In 2018 I married David and moved from central Florida to northern California. We’ve both dealt with some autoimmune and other chronic health issues so we’ve delved into the world of natural medicine and healthful diet to gain some healing. We’re still on the journey but we’ve come a long way in stewarding our health!

We have more sensitivities than allergies (especially David) but we cook a lot of allergy-friendly food. I always have the goal of not having us feel deprived so I try to get in lots of variety of foods and flavors.

If you have dietary restrictions or allergies of your own, it may be helpful to know what you’ll find here. David cannot eat dairy, eggs, or grains; and only very limited legumes. Neither of us can eat onions. I am allergic to shellfish and most seafood. As far as we know, our daughter Abigail doesn’t have any sensitivities and is enjoying being able to explore all of God’s creation.

This blog is for sharing ideas and original recipes, as well as being a one-stop-shop to connect you to some of the best recipes I’ve found around the internet.

Feel free to message me on Instagram or Pinterest if you have any questions or requests, and if you’re a reader let’s connect on Goodreads!